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Friday, July 13, 2012

Tool #7 Reaching outside the classroom: Online digital projects

 For this part, I looked into and decided to do synchronous learning also using skype and joined the "My city and me" project. Here's the plan.

Objective: TSW identify environmental issues in their city.
                TSW use critical thinking skills to come up with solutions and share with a classroom in Mexico thru Skype to better their city and exchange issues serving as active members of society.

Implementation: I plan to implement this lesson during the Fall in my social studies class.
Tools: "My city and Me" blog from  and Skype for the classroom.

Description:  First, the students will identify environmental issues in their city ( Houston) such as pollution, toxic waste in landfills etc. Then, they will list them and think of possible solutions to the problems found. Finally, they will exchange information with a classroom in Mexico that I would have set up in advance. ( My aunt is a teacher in Mexico, so I was thinking to connect globally using skype so that my class and her class can exchange information about their "city issues" 

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